What to Wear for Professional Headshots: A Comprehensive Guide

September 22, 2023
min read
What to Wear for Professional Headshots: A Comprehensive Guide


Whether you're establishing a professional online presence, networking, or seeking new opportunities, what to wear for professional headshots can significantly influence perceptions. 

The attire you choose for a headshot speaks volumes, subtly conveying attributes like trustworthiness, competence, and attention to detail. It's not merely about selecting the right outfit; understanding what to wear for a headshot intertwines with the broader context of preparation for the photoset. From the color palette to the fit, every choice plays a pivotal role in capturing the essence of your professional persona. 

Moreover, adequate preparation ensures that you not only look the part but also feel confident and at ease during the session. 

As we delve into this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the nuances of what to wear for headshots and the importance of dressing aptly. Whether you're gearing up for your first professional photoshoot or updating an existing portfolio, this guide aims to provide clarity on what to wear for a professional headshot and how to prepare effectively.

General Style Tips for Professional Headshots

When considering what to wear for professional headshots, it's essential to strike a balance between personal style and industry expectations. Dressing like a leader or a role model in your field can set the tone for your headshot. Here are some general style pointers:

  • Dress for Success: Think about what to wear for a headshot in the context of your industry. Whether you're in finance, arts, or tech, your attire should resonate with your profession's ethos.
  • Avoid Overly Casual Clothing: Even if your industry leans informal, a slightly more formal outfit can elevate your image. Remember, it's always better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed.
  • Solid Colors and Simple Patterns: While deciding what to wear for a professional headshot, opt for solid colors or subtle patterns. Bold or distracting prints can divert attention from your face, the focal point of the headshot.
  • Fit Matters: Ensure your clothes fit well. Overly tight or baggy outfits can appear unprofessional. A tailored look, especially in professional settings, exudes confidence and attention to detail.
  • Accessorize Wisely: Accessories can complement what to wear for headshots, but they shouldn't overshadow you. Opt for minimalistic jewelry and avoid anything too flashy.

In essence, your attire for a headshot should reflect the best professional version of yourself, blending authenticity with aspiration.

Color Tips for Striking Headshots

Choosing the right color palette is paramount when deciding what to wear for professional headshots. The colors you opt for can evoke specific emotions and perceptions, making it crucial to select them wisely. Here are some color tips to guide your choices:

  • Neutral and Mid-Tones: When pondering what to wear for a headshot, gravitate towards neutral shades like navy, charcoal, and beige. These colors are universally flattering and convey a sense of professionalism.
  • Jewel Tones: Colors like burgundy, emerald green, and plum can be striking choices. They not only enhance most skin tones but also add a touch of sophistication to your headshot.
  • Avoid Overly Bright Shades: Neon colors or overly vibrant hues can be distracting. While they might be trendy, they might not be the best choice for a professional headshot.
  • White and Black: While some advise against these colors, they can work when used correctly. For instance, white can be an excellent accent color, and black can offer a classic, timeless look.
  • Consider Your Skin Tone: It's essential to choose colors that contrast well with your skin tone. Avoid shades that make you appear washed out or too similar to your complexion.

The colors you select play a pivotal role in determining what to wear for headshots. They should complement your skin tone, resonate with your profession, and align with the image you wish to project.

Color Tips for Striking Headshots

Cloth Tips for Impeccable Professional Headshots

The fabric and style of your clothing can make a significant difference in what to wear for professional headshots. Beyond color, the texture, pattern, and fit of your attire play a crucial role in how you're perceived. Here are some cloth tips to ensure you look your best:

  • Opt for Solid Over Patterns: When considering what to wear for a headshot, solid colors are typically a safer bet. They ensure the focus remains on your face. If you do choose patterns, ensure they're subtle and not too distracting.
  • Mind the Texture: Some textures can create unwanted effects on camera. For instance, avoid fabrics that might produce a moiré effect, such as tight tweeds or intricate patterns.
  • Fit is Paramount: A well-fitted outfit can elevate your headshot. Avoid clothes that are too tight or too baggy. Remember, what to wear for a professional headshot should make you look polished and at ease.
  • Layer Intelligently: Layering can add depth to your look. However, ensure the layers complement each other and don't add unnecessary bulk.
  • Consider the Neckline: Especially for women, the neckline can impact the overall look. Opt for moderately open necklines and avoid extremes on either end.

When deciding what to wear for headshots, it's not just about the color but also the cloth. The right fabric choices can enhance your appearance, ensuring your headshot stands out for all the right reasons.

Cloth Tips for Impeccable Professional Headshots

Posing Tips for Captivating Professional Headshots

While deciding what to wear for professional headshots is crucial, how you present yourself in front of the camera is equally vital. The right pose can enhance your attire, convey confidence, and ensure your headshot captures your best angle. Here are some posing tips to complement your clothing choices:

  • Maintain Good Posture: Stand or sit up straight. Good posture not only makes you appear confident but also ensures your chosen outfit, be it what to wear for a headshot or a more casual look, presents well.
  • Angle Your Body: Instead of facing the camera straight on, angle your body slightly. This pose is more flattering and adds depth to the photo.
  • Mind Your Chin: Elevate your chin slightly. This prevents any appearance of a double chin and elongates the neck, complementing what to wear for a professional headshot.
  • Relaxed Shoulders: Ensure your shoulders are relaxed and not hunched. This helps in showcasing the neckline and fit of your attire, emphasizing your choices on what to wear for headshots.
  • Genuine Smile: A natural, genuine smile can make a world of difference. Think of a happy memory or a light-hearted joke to bring out that authentic smile.

While your attire plays a significant role in how you're perceived, your pose can elevate the overall impact of the headshot. Marrying the right outfit with the perfect pose ensures you make a lasting impression.

Hair and Makeup Tips for Striking Professional Headshots

When determining what to wear for professional headshots, it's not just the attire that matters. Your hair and makeup play a pivotal role in enhancing your overall appearance and ensuring you look polished and camera-ready. Here are some essential hair and makeup tips to complement your outfit choices:

  • Natural Makeup: For makeup, the key is to keep it natural and subtle. While you want to look polished, avoid heavy makeup that might look overdone. Focus on accentuating your eyes and lips, ensuring they align with what to wear for a headshot.
  • Avoid Shimmer: Opt for matte finishes over shimmery products. Shimmer can reflect light and create unwanted highlights in photos.
  • Hair Style: Keep your hairstyle simple and natural. Whether you wear it down or in a soft updo, ensure it doesn't overshadow your face or the attire you've chosen for what to wear for a professional headshot.
  • Bring Touch-up Essentials: Have a comb, brush, and makeup essentials on hand for touch-ups during the shoot. This ensures you look fresh throughout the session, regardless of what to wear for headshots.
  • Consider the Overall Look: Your hair and makeup should complement your outfit. Think holistically about your look, ensuring there's harmony between your attire, hair, and makeup.

While your clothing choices are paramount, your hair and makeup can elevate what to wear for headshots, ensuring you present the best version of yourself.

Hair and Makeup Tips for Striking Professional Headshots

Accessorizing for Impact: Tips for Your Professional Headshots

While the primary focus when deciding what to wear for professional headshots is often on the attire, accessories play a subtle yet significant role in enhancing your overall look. They can add a touch of sophistication, provide a pop of color, or convey a sense of style. Here are some tips on accessorizing for your headshot session:

  • Subtle Over Statement: When pondering what to wear for a headshot, it's essential to remember that accessories should complement, not overshadow. Opt for subtle pieces that don't distract from your face.
  • Consistency with Attire: Ensure your accessories align with your chosen outfit. If you've opted for a formal look based on what to wear for a professional headshot, your accessories should reflect that level of formality.
  • Avoid Overly Flashy Items: While a statement necklace or large earrings might be fashionable, they can divert attention in a headshot. Remember, the primary focus is your face.
  • Consider Functional Accessories: Items like glasses can be both functional and stylish. If they're a part of your daily look, include them. However, ensure they're clean and free from reflections.
  • Less is More: When in doubt about what to wear for headshots, it's often best to err on the side of simplicity. A single, well-chosen accessory can be more impactful than multiple pieces.

While your clothing choices set the stage, the right accessories can fine-tune your look, ensuring your headshot captures the best version of you.

Accessorizing for Impact: Tips for Your Professional Headshots

Tips on How to Choose the Right Photographer for Your Professional Headshots

Selecting the right attire, be it deciding what to wear for a headshot or understanding the nuances of what to wear for professional headshots, is only half the battle. The photographer you choose plays an equally vital role in capturing your essence and ensuring your attire shines in the best light. Here are some tips to help you select the right photographer:

  • Portfolio Review: Before making a decision, review the photographer's portfolio. This will give you an idea of their style and how they've captured others who've pondered what to wear for headshots.
  • Experience in Professional Headshots: Ensure the photographer has experience in professional headshots. This expertise ensures they can guide you on what to wear for a professional headshot and how to pose effectively.
  • Open Communication: Discuss your requirements, share your chosen attire, and seek their input. A good photographer will provide feedback on what to wear for headshots and how to achieve the desired look.
  • Technical Expertise: Ensure they have the right equipment and knowledge to handle lighting and post-processing, enhancing the choices you've made on what to wear for a headshot.
  • Comfort Level: It's essential to feel comfortable with your photographer. This comfort ensures a natural look, complementing your attire choices.

While your attire is crucial, the right photographer can elevate your professional headshot, ensuring your chosen look is captured perfectly.


Navigating the world of professional headshots can be daunting, but with the right guidance, you can shine. From understanding what to wear for a headshot to selecting the perfect accessories, every detail matters. 

Neutral colors, subtle patterns, and well-fitted attire often make the best choices when considering what to wear for professional headshots. Accessories, while impactful, should be chosen to complement rather than overshadow your look. 

Beyond attire, the right pose, hair, makeup, and even the photographer you choose can significantly influence the outcome. Remember, a headshot is more than just a photo; it's a representation of your professional persona. 

For those looking for a quick and innovative solution, consider the AI headshot generator, DYVO. With DYVO, you can create professional headshots in minutes using regular photos or selfies. Offering a range of styles, backgrounds, and clothing options, it's a game-changer in the world of headshots. 

Over 1,000,000 AI headshots have already been crafted with Dyvo, making it a trusted choice for many. 

So, whether you're gearing up for a traditional photoshoot or exploring AI solutions, remember the importance of what to wear for headshots and present your best self.

Need your professional headshots today?

Create business headshots for you and your team with AI. Upload your regular photos or selfies and get hyper-realistic, studio quality headshots in 1 hour. You can choose headshot styles that display your brand, corporate culture, goals, industry, and team ambiance.

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